Thanksgiving Crafts, Baking and Window Painting…

Last Friday, my Children’s school had their Halloween parade, class parties and bake sale. Since we don’t celebrate Halloween, my children did not go to school on that day (don’t be alarmed I’m sure they didn’t miss any major lessons). It’s a sort of tradition we started two years ago when my oldest Jonathan, was in Pre-K. What did we do on that day? Fun! Fun! Fun! Keeping in line with my frugal but cheerful life theme, we created very inexpensive Thanksgiving turkey crafts.  These were made with paint, paper cups, cartridge paper and other things from around the house.

We baked cookies…

 and we had fun window painting (yeah, I have a lot of cleaning up to do).

Some Christian families believe they should not have to distract their children at Halloween, and this might work for them; but I had no intentions of allowing my kids to go to school, watch all their friends come dressed up in costumes, sit in the midst of the parties, see all the candy and tell them “just don’t take part in it”. Ahmmm, I’m not an expert in any way, shape or form, but I think that would do more harm than good. They’re just kids guys! If we as grown-ups have to stay clear of certain situations so as not to be affected by it, “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1Th 5:227), how much more our sweet little children who are just learning how to navigate their way through this life. And very surprising to me, I’ve been with Christians who think its O.K. for their children to partake in this celebration of darkness. My family, and many others I’m sure, takes a strong stance against Halloween, and while we’re standing, we flat out have fun!

How do you feel about Halloween? Share your thoughts on this topic on Apostolic Talk!

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